Your XVIDEOS account can have several status :

Regular : basic free account.
Verified : indicates that you have passed the verification process by making a video that shows that you are a real xvideos viewer.
Model : model accounts can be amateurs, porn stars, webcam models, and erotic models. They indicate that you are the main content for your own account. Apply here.
Channel : this status is only given after verifying ownership of the content uploaded to your account, usually with a video verification (if you appear in your videos), or through other means (if you are a studio/producer). Apply here.

These status can also be grouped together sometimes. For example you can be channel+model



If you are a regular user trying to make connections on the site the best status is : verified

If you are a model looking to build your brand or to make money, you first have to verify. After that you should aim to obtain these 2 status : model and channel. We may offer you the upgrades directly after verification but If we don't, feel free to apply.

If you are a content owner / producer you will need to obtain this status or you will struggle to get views : channel.

They are the best setups to use XVIDEOS but you may also have good results with others. However they will always be inferior (in views / activity / performance / interest / ease of use, etc). The table below demonstrates why :



  No account Regular Verified Model Channel
Watch videos for free up to 1080p
Liked videos
Suggested videos
Regular support
Upload videos -
Comment videos -
Manage video comments -
Chat with other users -
Encrypted, private chat -
Saved site preferences -
Saved subs/likes/history (1) -
Download videos -
Chat with other users through vpn - -
Video uploads encoded in priority - -
Priority queue for chat messages - -
Priority queue for friend requests - -
Your videos are played in 720p max -
Your videos are played in 1080p max - - -
Verification sign - - -
Large profile banner - - -
Clickable link on profile - -
Users who like your profile become fans - - -
Dedicated channel support service - - -
Appear on the verified user index - - -
Appear in priority on the users index - - - -
Appear on the verified videos index - - -
Appear in the pornstars index - - - -
Appear in model rankings - - - -
Priority feature on homepage - - - -
Monetization of your free uploads - - - -
Shorter videos can be monetized (2) - - - -
Worked for/with information - - - -
Appear in the channels index - - - -
Monetization of your premium uploads - - - -
Text links on video pages - - - -
Text links in video players - - - -
Piracy prevention with digital fingerprinting - - - -
Ability to claim pirated videos - - - -
More detailed statistics for your video uploads - - - -
Link to your channel if a model worked for you - - - -

Please note that we make updates daily and that everything on this page is subject to change at any time.


(1) You have the ability to not save them too.
(2) Account must be channel too.